
Hollabrunner 4Kellergassenlauf

The 4Kellergassenlauf in Hollabrunn is a popular running event taking place on October 6, 2024. Participants can choose from various distances, including a 10 km run, a 5 km run, as well as children's and youth runs. The routes lead through the picturesque cellar lanes of the region, offering an attractive opportunity for both experienced runners and families to be active.

The run is part of the Schmidataler Laufcup and the Volkslaufcup, which encourages participation in additional events in Austria. Participants who take part in multiple runs of the cup receive a special final gift. Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.

Always double-check with the organizer's website – things can change, and we might have sprinted past a few details!
10 km
5 km
5 km
Nordic Walking and Smovey-Strecke 5 Km
Jugendlaufstrecke 3 Km
Kinderlaufstrecke 600 and 1200 M

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