
GVG - Abteilauf Brauweiler

The GVG Abteilauf Brauweiler is an annual running competition organized by Dreambig Events. The event includes various runs, such as the GVG Kids Active Charity Run, student runs, and main runs over 5 km and 10 km. The routes pass through the Abbey Park and Brauweiler, offering a mix of asphalt and trail surfaces.

In addition to the sporting activities, there is a large children's festival with interactive activities. The run places great emphasis on sustainability and environmental protection. The event also supports charitable causes through donations collected for each lap completed. Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.

Always visit the organization's website for the most recent information!
10 km
10km Gvg Lauf
5 km
5km Kreissparkasse Köln Lauf
1.3km Kreissparkasse Köln Schülerlauf

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