
Grenzgänger Wandermarathon & Trail Run

The Border Crosser Hiking Marathon & Trail Run connects the mountaineering villages of Ramsau and Pinzgau, as well as the protected areas of Berchtesgaden National Park and Weißbach Nature Park. The event offers two main activities: a hiking marathon and a trail run, both of which lead through stunning alpine landscapes. The patrons, both experienced athletes and nature enthusiasts, emphasize the exceptional scenic beauty of the route.

Participants can choose between a more intense and a simpler variant of the trail run. The event promotes the connection between sports and nature and invites participants to actively experience the homeland of the mountaineering villages. Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.

Always visit the organization's website for the most recent information!
30 km
Trail Run Intense
17 km
Trail Run Easy

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