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Grand Raid des Cathares

Website Registration

The Grand Raid des Cathares will take place in Carcassonne from Thursday 23 October 2025 to Saturday 25 October 2025. Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.

Always double-check with the organizer's website – things can change, and we might have sprinted past a few details!
Grand Raid des Cathares - 161 Km - 7200m de D+
Raid des Bogomiles - 101 Km - 4300m de D+
Trail des Hérétiques - 63 Km - 2750m de D+
Trail des Colombes - 40 Km - 1300m de D+
Trail des Patarins - 25 Km - 850m de D+
Trail Nocturne du Château Comtal - 12 Km

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