
The Ganatrail is a running race held in Genay, offering several courses suitable for all levels. Participants can choose between an 8.7 km course and a 15 km course, both primarily on trails with positive elevation gain. There are also races for children and a Nordic walking event.

The event, which attracts up to 1000 runners, includes prizes for all participants and catering activities. The Ganatrail is organized by the municipality of Genay and the Val de Saône Athletics, thus promoting sports and conviviality. Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.

Always double-check with the organizer's website – things can change, and we might have sprinted past a few details!
15 km
Ganatrail 15 Km
8 km
Ganatrail 8.7 Km
8 km
Marche Nordique

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