Sa - Su

Franklin Meilenlauf

The FRANKLIN Mile Run is an annual running competition in Mannheim that offers various distances for participants of all ages. The event includes the FRANKLIN Half Marathon, a 6-mile run, and special races for children, such as the Children's Mile Run and the Bambini Run. The course winds through the green northern part of Mannheim and over former U.S.

military areas that are being developed into modern neighborhoods. The half marathon is the first autumn race over 21.1 km in Mannheim and is ideal as a season finale or preparation for larger marathons. The event also features a children's olympics and participation activities from local clubs. Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.

Always visit the organization's website for the most recent information!
21 km
Franklin Halbmarathon
10 km
6-Meilen-Lauf Powered by Vr Bank

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