Entrecortijos is a renowned rural running event in Gran Canaria, celebrated for its scenic routes through the island's lush landscapes. The upcoming 14th edition is scheduled for April 12, 2025, and features three race distances: 7, 15, and 26 kilometers. The shorter distance encourages youth participation, promoting the sport among younger athletes.
Last year's event saw all 900 available spots filled within just 75 minutes, highlighting its popularity. Organized by Arista Eventos and supported by the local government, the race showcases the natural beauty of the region, including notable sites like the Monumento Natural del Montañón Negro. Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.
Always double-check with the organizer's website – things can change, and we might have sprinted past a few details!
26 km
26 Kilómetros
15 km
15 Kilómetros
7 km
7 Kilómetros