
Engiadina Scuol Trail

The Engiadina Scuol Trail is a trail running event in the Lower Engadine, Graubünden, set against a picturesque mountain spring backdrop. The competition offers various routes for different skill levels, including the challenging Alvetern Trail (48 km), the Enziana Trail (22 km), and the family-friendly Flurina Trail (6 km). The event places a strong emphasis on sustainability by promoting eco-friendly measures such as the use of reusable dishes and regional food products.

The Engiadina Scuol Trail is suitable for ambitious runners as well as families and beginners. Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.

Always double-check with the organizer's website – things can change, and we might have sprinted past a few details!
48 km
Alvetern Trail (edelweiss)
22 km
Enziana Trail (enzian)
6 km
Flurina Trail

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