
Endurancelife - Lac de Moiry

The Lac De Moiry trail run organized by Endurancelife takes place in Switzerland, showcasing the stunning Swiss Alps scenery. The 30km route starts at 2249m above sea level, circling the turquoise blue Lac de Moiry and includes a challenging 1300m climb to the summit of Corne de Sorebois. With over 1900m of ascent in just 30km, this trail run is not for the faint-hearted and promises a tough day on the trails.

Entries are limited to 150 participants, and the event serves as a UTMB Qualifier. Travel options include by air to Geneva, by car to Grimentz, or by train and bus to Sierre/Siders. Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.

Always double-check with the organizer's website – things can change, and we might have sprinted past a few details!
30 km

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