
Detmolder Herbstlauf

The Detmold Autumn Run, organized by SV Diestelbruch-Mosebeck e.V., is a popular running event that will take place for the 40th time on November 16, 2024. The course runs through the picturesque Leistrup Forest in Detmold-Diestelbruch, with the start and finish at the Diestelbruch Elementary School. Participants can choose from various distances, including a student run, walking, and public runs over 6, 10, and 20 km.

The event attracts runners of all ages and has become a staple in the regional running calendar in recent years. A comprehensive cake buffet and the awards ceremony in the sports hall round off the event. Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.

Always double-check with the organizer's website – things can change, and we might have sprinted past a few details!
20 km
Volkslauf 20 Km
10 km
Volkslauf 10 Km
6 km
Walking/nordic Walking

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