
Derentaler Löwenlauf

The Derental Lion Run is an annual running event in the tri-border area that excites runners and guests with high standards and exciting news. The event includes various running categories, such as children's runs, student runs, fun runs, walker/Nordic walker events, and the 10 km "King of the Lions" run. The course traverses asphalt, forest, and gravel paths, offering impressive views of the Weser Uplands.

The run is organized by the Weserbergland Runners Derental, who are also committed to charitable causes. The next edition will take place on June 13, 2025. Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.

Always visit the organization's website for the most recent information!
10 km
König Der Löwen
5 km
5 km
Löwenlauf Für Walker/nordic Walker
Löwenlauf Für Jedermann (kein Wettkampf)
Löwenlauf Für Schüler
Löwenlauf Für Kinder

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