
Dagersheimer Waldlauf

The Dagersheim Forest Run is an annual running competition organized by the TSV Dagersheim Athletics Department. The event includes various races, such as a Bambini run, student runs, a 5 km fun run, and a 10 km run consisting of two 5 km laps. The start and finish are located at the Dagersheim Forest Stadium.

The run is part of the Schönbuch Cup and provides an opportunity for runners of all ages and abilities to engage in sports activities. Registrations are open until September 2, 2024. Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.

Always visit the organization's website for the most recent information!
10 km
10 Km Lauf
5 km
5 km
Lotto Jedermann-Lauf
Schüler/ Schülerinnen

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