
Cross Country Lauf Walpersbach

The Cross Country Run in Walpersbach is a popular event that brings together athletes and nature enthusiasts. The course leads through varied forest and meadow paths and offers challenges such as ditch and stream crossings. Participants can look forward to different distances, including 4 km and 8 km main runs, as well as children's and Nordic walking competitions.

The event not only promotes athletic competition but also community and environmental awareness. All participants, especially children, are honored and receive medals. The Athletenschmiede Walpersbach organizes this run with the aim of conveying the joy of movement in nature. Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.

Always double-check with the organizer's website – things can change, and we might have sprinted past a few details!
8 km
Hauptlauf 8 Km
Hauptlauf 4 Km
Nordic Walking

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