
Courir en Famille - Pau (64)

"Running as a Family" is a friendly sporting event that will take place in Pau (64) for its 7th edition. It offers 5 km and 10 km obstacle courses, open to participants aged 14 and up, as well as a child/adult relay, promoting intergenerational participation. Runners can register solo or in teams, with various challenges such as jumps and crossings.

A non-timed walk is also on the agenda. All participants, especially children, will receive a finisher's medal. This event promises a festive and sporty atmosphere for the whole family. Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.

Always double-check with the organizer's website – things can change, and we might have sprinted past a few details!
10 km
10km Course à Obstacles
5 km
5km Course à Obstacles
Relais Enfant / Adulte
Relais Pit’chouns/adulte

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