
Corrida de la Fourme

The Corrida de la Fourme, which will take place in Montbrison on October 5, 2024, is a festive sporting event that is part of the Fourme festival. This first edition offers races for all ages and levels, with an 8.5 km course to be completed in four loops of 2.1 km, as well as children's races of various distances. Participants can register in advance or on-site, subject to the availability of bibs.

The event promises a friendly and dynamic atmosphere, celebrating both sports and local culture. Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.

Always double-check with the organizer's website – things can change, and we might have sprinted past a few details!
8 km
8,5 Km Individuel
2 Km Individuel - les Galapiats

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