Sa - Su

Brunello Crossing

The Brunello Crossing is a trail running event that takes place in Montalcino. It offers various competitive distances, including a 45 km race with a 1820m+ elevation gain. Additionally, there is a non-competitive 13 km walk with a 650m+ elevation gain.

The event was created by a group of enthusiasts of the sport and the local area. The "Il Giglio" award honors the best self-produced video about the race. Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.

Always double-check with the organizer's website – things can change, and we might have sprinted past a few details!
45 km
Trofeo Banfi
24 km
Trofeo Val Di Suga
14 km
Trofeo Barbi
13 km
Walk Nordic & Walking

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