
Brokstedter Dorflauf

The Brokstedt Village Run is an annual running competition organized by TSV Brokstedt. The event offers various running distances, including 1.9 km, 5.3 km, and 10.6 km, as well as a "Bambini Olympics" for children aged 4 to 6 years. The run takes place on flat courses without significant inclines.

In addition to the runs, there is an extensive supporting program with activities such as a bouncy castle, can throwing, and face painting. The event is part of the Steinburg Cup and is aimed at participants of all age groups, with team rankings also available. Registration is done online. Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.

Always visit the organization's website for the most recent information!
10 km
10,6 Km Lauf
5 km
5,3 Km Laufen Und Walken
1,9 Km Lauf
320 M Bambini Lauf

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