Belle-Île en Trail is a renowned running event held on Belle-Île, the largest island in Brittany, France. Established in 2009, this biannual trail running festival features multiple race formats, including the Ultra des Vagues (81 km), Ponant (45 km), and shorter distances like the Sémaphore (11 km). The event celebrates the island's stunning natural landscapes and fosters a sense of community among participants and locals.
With the support of around 250 volunteers, Belle-Île en Trail has grown significantly, becoming a cherished occasion for both runners and spectators, emphasizing values of joy, sharing, and environmental respect. Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.
Always double-check with the organizer's website – things can change, and we might have sprinted past a few details!
81 km
Ultra des Vagues
45 km
32 km
La Jean-No
19 km
11 km