
Atlantisport-Environnement Trails

Atlantisport-Environnement Trails is a sporting event that offers a variety of races, including trail runs, foot races, and Run and Bike activities. In 2024, the event gathered 673 participants and 225 hikers, supported by 200 volunteers. The organization also emphasizes eco-responsibility by incorporating initiatives to reduce single-use plastics and promote sustainable development.

Participants can look forward to a friendly and athletic day, with courses suitable for everyone, including options for families and people with disabilities. The next edition is scheduled for March 23, 2025. Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.

Always double-check with the organizer's website – things can change, and we might have sprinted past a few details!
Courses à Pied
Marche Éco-Responsable
Randonnée Famille Poussette
Randonnée Pedestre
Randonnée Roller
Randonnée Vélo
Run and Bike

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