
Alb-Traum 100

The Alb-Traum 100 is a charity ultra-trail event that takes place on the 115-kilometer Albtraufgänger hiking trail in the Swabian Albtrauf adventure region. Organized by the non-profit association ALB-Traum100 e.V., the race aims to support social projects in the Göppingen district through participant fees and donations. In addition to the main route, there is also a shorter variant, the HALB-Traum, which covers approximately 57 kilometers.

Since its inception in 2018, the race has raised significant amounts of money, which have been distributed to various social projects. The race offers participants the opportunity to test their physical limits in a picturesque landscape while doing good at the same time. Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.

Always visit the organization's website for the most recent information!
115 km
Alb-Traum 100
57 km

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