
6 Miles de Cormont

The 6 Miles of Cormont, organized by the Nouveau Club Cormontois de Course à Pied, will celebrate their fifth anniversary in 2024 with a new feature: two trails instead of one. The main 9.6 km race traverses varied landscapes such as meadows, fields, and woodlands, offering a unique cross-country experience. In addition to the 6 Miles, a 3 Miles (5 km) trail is also available.

Registrations open on June 1st, with options for teams and free races for children. This event promises a friendly and festive atmosphere. Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.

Always double-check with the organizer's website – things can change, and we might have sprinted past a few details!
6 mi
6 Miles
3 mi
3 Miles

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