

The Sparkasse 3-Country Marathon at Lake Constance is a unique running competition that passes through three countries: Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. The course runs along picturesque lakeshores and impressive mountain landscapes. The marathon offers various competitions, including the classic marathon, half marathon, quarter marathon, Nordic walking, and relay marathons.

Additionally, there are special races for children and teenagers. Participants, helpers, and spectators can travel for free by bus and train with their race number or a free ticket. The event not only promotes sports but also cross-border cooperation and community. Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.

Always visit the organization's website for the most recent information!
42 km
Sparkasse Marathon
42 km
Vn.at Marathonstaffel 4er Team
21 km
Skinfit Halbmarathon
10 km
Nordic Walking
10 km
Vkw Viertelmarathon

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