
2B Schöckl-Halterhütte-Rucksacklauf

The "2B Schöckl-Halterhütte Backpack Run" is a traditional event organized by 2B Drinks, taking place on October 26th on the Grazer Hausberg. Participants start near the base station of the Schöckl cable car and must conquer over 600 meters of elevation to reach the Halterhütte. A unique challenge involves carrying a backpack filled with 2B Drinks, with the quantity varying by category.

The event is aimed at sports enthusiasts and concludes with a communal afternoon featuring snacks and music. There is also a team activity where teams of four runners only pay for three. Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.

Always double-check with the organizer's website – things can change, and we might have sprinted past a few details!
Sportklasse Damen
Sportklasse Herren

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