Sa - Su

24-Stunden Burginsellauf Delmenhorst

The 24-Hour Burginsel Run in Delmenhorst is an endurance race in which both individual runners and teams can participate. The event offers various categories, including a 24-hour run and a 6-hour run for individual runners, as well as a 24-hour team run. The race takes place on the picturesque Burginsel and is accompanied by an extensive supporting program with live music.

Participants and visitors can look forward to well-organized catering and camping areas. The run is supported by numerous sponsors and offers a unique challenge for running enthusiasts. Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.

Always visit the organization's website for the most recent information!
24 hr
24h Einzelläufer
24 hr
24h Teams
6 hr
6h Einzelläufer

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