
10 Km de la Flèche

The "10 Km de la Flèche" will take place on October 13, 2024, around the Monnerie Lake in La Flèche. This event offers two races: a 5 km and a 10 km, both of which are qualifiers for the French championships. Participants must present a FFA license or a valid health certificate.

On-site registration is possible for the 10 km until 10:30 AM. Registration fees vary depending on the license, with prices ranging from 9 to 16 euros. Runners are encouraged to arrive early to collect their race bibs and prepare under the best conditions. Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.

Always double-check with the organizer's website – things can change, and we might have sprinted past a few details!
10 km
10 Km de la Flèche
5 km
5 Km de la Flèche

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